When you start an exercise program, it takes a while to see your first results. The same goes for your hair.
What to expect from phototherapy.
Month 1: In the first month, there is no new hair growth. You may notice a higher-than-usual amount of hair loss, which is a good sign—it means the treatment is working. By stimulating the hair’s life cycle, hairs in their final stages fall out more quickly, making room for the growth of new, healthier, thicker hair.
Month 2: The increased hair loss may last up to six weeks. Using the microscope, you may start to notice the growth of new hair. This brings a sense of security and peace of mind.
Month 3: You may perceive healthier hair. Continue using your products; follicles that had begun to fall into inactivity are being reactivated.
Month 4: With the microscope, you can now see more organized and parallel growth, greater uniformity, and improved hair texture and thickness. Continue your treatment for more complete results—thicker, healthier, and more manageable hair.
For a product to work effectively, it must be used correctly. The success of any hair treatment also depends on you:
Use your products as directed.
Monitor your progress with your new microscope.
Be patient; hair grows about 1 to 1.2 cm per month.
Any treatment requires 2 to 6 months to begin showing results.
Results may vary depending on your age, health, and initial hair condition.
The best results are seen within 12 to 18 months.
Are you ready to be happy with your hair?